BiFunction Example

In this post, I will show how to use BiFunction functional interface with an example. BiFunction functional interface is similar to Function functional interface. It takes an input and produces an output. The difference lies in the number of inputs taken by the BiFunction functional interface. Function functional interface takes one input and produced one…… Continue reading BiFunction Example

Combining two or more Function functional interface

In this post, I will explain how to combine Function functional interfaces. They are two ways in which we can combine Function functional interface and it is achieved using two methods in Function interface as mentioned below 1) default Function andThen(Function after) 2) default Function compose(Function before) Both the methods accept an implementation of Function…… Continue reading Combining two or more Function functional interface

Function functional interface

In this post, with an example I will show how to use Function functional interface. Function interface is a functional interface that takes an input and produces an output. This is achieved by its “apply” method. Below is an example Main Code 1 package function; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 import java.util.List; 5 import java.util.function.Function;…… Continue reading Function functional interface

Combining two or more Consumer Functional Interface

In this post I will explain how to combine two or more Consumer Functional interface implementations. Consumer Functional interface has a default method “andThen”, which combines two Consumer Functional interface implementations. The method signature is as shown below default Consumer andThen(Consumer after) The way two Consumer implementations are combined using “andThen” method is as shown…… Continue reading Combining two or more Consumer Functional Interface

Sorting arrays using Comparator

This post explains how to sort arrays using comparator with an example. The java jdk provides Arrays class, which has a static method named “sort”. This method takes two arguments 1) the array to be sorted 2) Comparator which contains the logic to sort the array Below is the example which sort cards based on…… Continue reading Sorting arrays using Comparator

Creating a temporary file and directory

The post shows you how to create a temporary file and directory in java with an example. Main Code 1 package nio; 2 3 import; 4 import java.nio.file.Files; 5 import java.nio.file.Path; 6 import java.nio.file.Paths; 7 8 public class Example1 { 9 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 10 Path path = Files.createTempFile(“prefix”,…… Continue reading Creating a temporary file and directory

Supplier Functional Interface Example

Java 8 added a new functional interface named “Supplier”. The purpose of this interface is to supply instances. I will be explaining using the below example. In the example I have want of list of employees. I will separate the logic behind employee instance creation and adding to list. The employee instance will be created…… Continue reading Supplier Functional Interface Example