Reading from multiple files using MultiResourceItemReader

In this post of Spring Batch, I will explain how to read from multiple files. We take the help of org.springframework.batch.item.file.MultiResourceItemReader, it reads from multiple file. The MultiResourceItemReader takes two arguments 1) list of resources or pattern followed by the multiple source files, from which the data has to be read 2) Reference to reader…… Continue reading Reading from multiple files using MultiResourceItemReader

UnMarshalling YAML file to Java Object

This post explains unmarshalling information stored in YAML format to java object . This can be achieved with the help of YAMLMapper provided by jackson package. To explain with an example we will use the below pojo objects Employee package package2; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; public class Employee { private String id; private String name;…… Continue reading UnMarshalling YAML file to Java Object

Marshalling Java Object to YAML format

This post explains marshalling a java object to YAML format and storing it to a file. This can be achieved with the help of YAMLMapper provided by jackson package. To explain with an example we will use the below pojo objects. Employee package package2; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; public class Employee { private String id;…… Continue reading Marshalling Java Object to YAML format

Creating a YAML file

The below post explains how to write YAML data to file using YAMLGenerator. YAMLGenerator writes the data to a file in streaming way, helping the developer using the api to avoid creating an object representation of the entire data. We can get an instance of YAMLGenerator with the help of an instance of YAMLFactory as…… Continue reading Creating a YAML file

Parsing a YAML file

In this post I will explain how to parse a YAML file using Jackson framework. We need the following jars in our classpath 1) jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.9.6.jar 2) snakeyaml-1.18.jar 3) jackson-annotations-2.9.0.jar 4) jackson-core-2.9.6.jar 5) jackson-databind-2.9.6.jar First we need to create an instance of YAMLFactory class. It is factory class used to create instance of YAMLParser (reader) and…… Continue reading Parsing a YAML file

Writting to multiple files using MultiResourceItemWriter

In this post of Spring Batch, I will explain how to write the records read, to multiple files instead of one. We take the help of MultiResourceItemWriter, it writes to multiple file and suffixes the output fileNames with an index. For example if the file name to be created, is DemoData.txt and two files are…… Continue reading Writting to multiple files using MultiResourceItemWriter

Filtering items using ItemProcessor

In Spring Batch, items are read from the source using reader and written to destination using a writer. Sometimes, we need to add business logic between the reader and writer for the following purpose 1) Filtering an item 2) Converting an item read from one format to another before written to the destination 3) Modify…… Continue reading Filtering items using ItemProcessor