Using CompositeDisposable

In this post under RxJava, I will show with an example the purpose and how to use the CompositeDisposable class. When you have multiple subscriptions like shown below, we get a multiple Disposable object one for each subscription. Observable<Long> observable1 = Observable.interval(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Disposable disposable1 = observable1.subscribe((t) -> System.out.println(“Observable1: ” + t)); Observable<Long> observable2 =…… Continue reading Using CompositeDisposable

Disposing an automatically created Observer

In this post, I will explain how to dispose an automatically created Observer. In all my previous posts, when I provide the below code snippet, it was creating an Observer internally that will compose these lambda callback functions provided as arguments to the “subscribe” method. observable.subscribe(t -> System.out.println(t), t -> t.printStackTrace(), () -> System.out.println(“Complete”)); In…… Continue reading Disposing an automatically created Observer

Creating and Disposing an Observer Manually

In this post under RxJava, I will explain how to create and dispose an Observer manually. Till now in all my previous posts under RxJava, I was not creating and disposing an Observer manually. The Observer was created internally by RxJava. All I was doing was providing callback functions for onNext,onComplete, and onError events as…… Continue reading Creating and Disposing an Observer Manually